Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe from Fleas, Ticks and Heartworm this Summer and Beyond
As the summer sizzles on, it’s just as important to keep your pet healthy as it is to take care of yourself. Record heat and consistent rain continues to torch and saturate South Florida this summer, creating the perfect environment for fleas and ticks and posing an increasing risk for our pets.
It’s important as a pet owner to stay vigilant and monitor your pet’s health and behavior. Check your pet for tick and flea bites regularly and monitor their behavior for any indication that they may be feeling under the weather.
Here are a few easy ways to keep your pet safe from these pesky insects and prevent heartworm:
If you believe your dog is suffering from fleas, ticks or heartworm, please schedule an appointment with our Lakeside Animal Hospital team today. We can be reached by calling or texting us at 954-474-8808.
From annual checkups to ongoing care for chronic issues, we're here to help.
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