Travel ing with your pet can be highly stressful for some pets but exciting for others, especially when travel ing during a pandemic. Make sure you know your pet will enjoy themselves before investing and adding them to your travel plans. Your best bet is to test it out before investing! Take a mini car trip to a dog-friendly area and watch your pet closely. Is your dog’s tail wagging or tucked under showing signs of fear? Other signs of fear and stress are drooling, hiding, ears pinned back, and upset stomach, to name a few.
Remember, no matter where you are headed or how you plan on travel ing, make sure your pet has proper identification like a collar with an identification tag and/or a microchip. Your pet’s identification tag on their collar should include their name, your phone number, and any other relevant contact information. A microchip is a small chip the size of a grain of rice that is implanted by a veterinary professional under your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades.
If your pet loves travel ing as much as we do, here are a few helpful tips from the ASPCA to help keep everyone safe and happy during your travel s.
Travel ing by plane?
Taking a Road Trip?
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