Dr. Frione's 

Understanding Dog Allergies: Signs, Causes and Treatment

Dogs, like humans, can suffer from allergies, which can manifest in various ways, most commonly as skin and ear infections. If you notice your dog itching excessively or shaking their head frequently, it’s crucial to inspect their ears for any abnormalities. If an infection is present, consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Common Signs of Dog Allergies

    • Itching: Excessive scratching, rubbing or licking of the skin is a telltale sign of allergies.

    • Ear Infections: Frequent head shaking, ear redness or a foul odor from the ears may indicate an ear infection caused by allergies.

    • Skin Irritation: Redness, bumps or inflammation of the skin are common symptoms of allergies.

Causes of Dog Allergies

    • Food Allergies: Dogs can develop sensitivities to specific food ingredients, often protein sources like chicken or beef.

    • Environmental Allergies: Pollen, grass, dust mites and other environmental factors can trigger allergic reactions in dogs.

    • Contact Allergies: Certain substances, such as shampoos, detergents or certain plants, can cause direct skin reactions when your dog comes into contact with them.

Treatment Options for Dog Allergies

    • Dietary Modifications: Identifying and eliminating the offending food ingredient can significantly improve allergy symptoms.

    • Environmental Management: Minimizing exposure to allergens, such as using air purifiers and avoiding certain plants, can help reduce allergy flare-ups.

    • Medication: Specific medications may be prescribed to manage allergy symptoms.

    • Allergy Shots: In some cases allergy shots can help reduce sensitivity to specific allergens.

Remember, if you suspect your dog has allergies, consulting your veterinarian is essential for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment recommendations. Early intervention and appropriate care can help your furry companion live a comfortable and allergy-free life.